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How to Fix the Steering Wheel Shaking?

Source:   Time: 2017-07-11 Hits:0

If the car steering wheel is shaking, there is a possibility that the problem is with the wheels or tires. Here are some causes of the steering wheel shaking.

Automotive OEM Parts

1. The wheels are unbalanced or misaligned. Unbalanced wheels are caused by worn or deflated or underinflated tires, whilst alignment problems will cause damage to your tires making future drives uncomfortable and irritating. Therefore, you have to properly install the wheels and tires, regular check their work conditions.

2. The side walls of the tire is damaged. It could either be the front or the rear one depending on whether you have a front wheel driving or rear wheel driving car. The shaking will only be felt if the rack and pinion gear is connected directly to the axle.

3. The racks or gears are damaged or any other parts of the wheel are damaged. If these automotive OEM parts like ball bearings, rods and nuts are worn down, it should be fixed as soon as possible, or to seriously crack in bumps.

4. There are exterior factors that may cause the shaking. This could include underinflated tires, worn treads or whether the edging of the tire has been worn out. In that case, you may only need to go to an Automotive OEM Parts supplier to have the tires replaced.

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